This is an exciting Cinco de Mayo for me! Today I’m launching my second coloring book Farm Fresh: Printable Coloring Book of Produce from A-Z with 14 Bonus Pages of Ideas & Extras!
The launch weekend (5/5-5/7) price for this 40-page coloring book is $18.00 + tax. Take advantage of this introductory price now, for come 5/8, the price will go up to the original $22.00 + tax.
I’ll email you the printable PDF within 24 hours of purchase. No shipping fee, no waiting for the mail.
Here are all the details.
“Farm Fresh”, a printable coloring book of produce from A-Z, is a fresh collection of 28 hand-drawn produce straight from the grower and and simple recipes to enjoy them. It includes a bonus section to show you how to color each produce, so you are not stuck when it comes to coloring the lesser known fruits and vegetables. Plus, there are ideas and inspiration along with step-by-step instructions to take your coloring pages beyond the coloring book to your art journals.
Want a sneak peek? Watch me color a page from this book on Creativebug Live!
Has it ever happened to you that you arranged and re-arranged your busy schedule to make a little bit of precious time to create, but when you actually sat down, you drew a blank? You felt blocked! Before you click away to look for inspiration on Pinterest or Instagram and lose yourself in that rabbit hole, TRY THIS:
Color for 10 minutes as focused creative warm-up to get into your creative groove.
Or, maybe when the stresses of the day weigh you down and you need to unwind… coloring is an almost meditative way to relax and find your center again.
You can print and reprint as many times as you want! You could print in various sizes too.
You would normally pay anywhere between $1.67 and $5 for a SINGLE printable coloring page on Etsy after scrolling for hours to find one you really like.
My goal is to make this easy and affordable for you.
** This is a digital product that will be emailed to you. No physical product will be shipped.
**NO REFUNDS on this product.
** Copyright © 2017 Mou Saha. All rights reserved.
You can print these drawings only for personal, non-commercial use. Restrictions include but are: not limited to the following: you cannot resale these drawings, sell them as finished paintings or any art derived from them, submit for publication, teach classes using them, copy and/or distribute them in any form without my written permission.
You can buy the book here.