Life Book 2019 Spot Winner Announcement

As I was reading all the answers you have left to my question ‘why do you make art’, I was going like ‘yes, I know exactly what you mean’, ‘I can totally identify with that’ – the process of making art brings us joy, relieves stress and anxiety, helps us cope with grief, loss, and difficulties – art gives us strength and hope, the power to carry on. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me!

A couple of weeks ago, I had a number of surgeries that have kept me bed-bound. I have been using this downtime to watch bits of the Life Book Summit. And the most beautiful thing about watching the videos was that they resonate with your answers. No matter where we are in our art making journey, we all have this in common – we heart art and that unites all of us. I am so thankful for Tam for hosting this summit!

I hope my connections with you wonderful ones do not end with the Summit! I’d love if we could stay in touch via Instagram or Facebook or YouTube or all three if you like. You can also sign up for my studio newsletter for updates on workshops, giveaways, inspiration and other crafty stuff.

Registration for Life Book 2019 opens tomorrow and there’s an Early Bird Discount… but more about that in another post!

And now I have to choose one of you to win a free seat in Lifebook 2019. It’s an eyes closed RANDOM PICK from a hat. This is never easy for me, but at least I can make one person happy and I know the rest of you will cheer the winner on. I wish all of you joy and hope that you will win your spot on another Lifebook  teacher’s giveaway!


Hi Mou, I first seen you when you started teaching on Creative Bug. So I was thrilled to see that Tam had chosen you as one of the Teachers for Life Book 2019. Enjoy it! I liked your interview with Tam for the summit as well and the quote you made! Love it!! Gonna use that often. Anyway the reason I make art is to retain my wellbeing. I discovered the benefits of art when I was off work for 2 years with severe anxiety, severe sleep disorder and deep depression. It literally saved my life. It became the lifeline I held on to everyday to keep my head above water. So now I can say I need to make art as much as I need to eat everyday or breathe. Thanks for asking! Take care.

CONGRATULATIONS Terri!!! I am sending your email (the one WordPress requires for allowing comments on the blog) to the Life Book Team! Enjoy your prize 🙂 I am so happy for you!

Terri, in the event that you have already won a spot elsewhere, please let me know in the comment to this post so I can choose another winner who could then take Life Book 2019 with you 🙂

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GIVEAWAY: 1 Spot on Life Book 2019

Hope you are enjoying the free Life Book Summit. As it’s drawing to a close, I want to offer my readers an opportunity to win ONE spot on the Life Book 2019 year-long online workshop!!!

Entering is easy. Leave a comment to this post and tell me why you make art. I’ll pull a name randomly from the comments to win a spot. I’ll announce the winner on 10/15/18.

And if you want to stay in touch with me, please follow me on Instagram or Facebook or YouTube or all three if you like. You can also sign up for my studio newsletter for updates on workshops and other crafty stuff.

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